- ISSN: 2320-8848 (ONLINE) / 2321-0362 (PRINT)
Current Issue
Volume 7 Issue 01 - May, 2021

Surya S
Online Education and its Effectiveness: a Conceptual Analysis
With the development of technological changes, the Internet has made the learning easy as possible and education process also changes to a great extent. Many researchers, educators are interested in conducting online learning rather than class room learning. In the pandemic situations the online education plays a major role and its very helpful and useful to the students to improve their learning and career. Educators should construct the possibilities by providing students opportunities to think more, increase their analytical power, imagination, and self-awareness. The fast development of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) has made number of benefits to the education. Online education provides a way for higher education institutions with more possible learning outcomes. There is a wide range of online programs, courses that make the students interactions much larger. The technology, software all helps the universities, students, teachers to collect the data, feedback, evaluation regarding online experiences. This paper reviews the overview of trends in the online learning, definitions, concepts, literature reviews, methods and benefits of online learning.
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